Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The 3 Decisions That Will Change Your Financial Life

The 3 Decisions That Will Change Your Financial Life 


The 3 Decisions That Will Change Your Financial Life
Image credit: Justin Levy | Flickr

There’s nothing worse than a rich person who’s chronically angry or unhappy. There’s really no excuse for it, yet I see this phenomenon every day. It results from an extremely unbalanced life, one with too much expectation and not enough appreciation for what’s there.
Without gratitude and appreciation for what you already have, you’ll never know true fulfillment. But how do you cultivate balance in life? What’s the point of achievement if your life has no balance?
For nearly four decades, I’ve had the privilege of coaching people from every walk of life, including some of the most powerful men and women on the planet. I’ve worked with presidents of the United States as well as owners of small businesses.
Across the board, I’ve found that virtually every moment people make three key decisions that dictate the quality of their lives.
If you make these decisions unconsciously, you'll end up like majority of people who tend to be out of shape physically, exhausted emotionally and often financially stressed. But if you make these decisions consciously, you can literally change the course of your life today.
Related: Tony Robbins on the Importance of Being Fearless

Decision 1: Carefully choose what to focus on.

At every moment, millions of things compete for your attention. You can focus on things that are happening right here and now or on what you want to create in the future. Or you can focus on the past.
Where focus goes, energy flows. What you focus on and your pattern for doing so shapes your entire life.
Which area do you tend to focus on more: what you have or what’s missing from your life?
I’m sure you think about both sides of this coin. But if you examine your habitual thoughts, what do you tend to spend most of your time dwelling on?
Rather than focusing on what you don’t have and begrudging those who are better off than you financially, perhaps you should acknowledge that you have much to be grateful for and some of it has nothing to do with money. You can be grateful for your health, family, friends, opportunities and mind.
Developing a habit of appreciating what you have can create a new level of emotional well-being and wealth. But the real question is, do you take time to deeply feel grateful with your mind, body, heart and soul? That’s where the joy, happiness and fulfillment can be found.
Consider a second pattern of focus that affects the quality of your life: Do you tend to focus more on what you can control or what you can’t?
If you focus on what you can’t control, you’ll have more stress in life. You can influence many aspects of your life but you usually can’t control them.
When you adopt this pattern of focus, your brain has to make another decision:
Related: Tony Robbins on the 7 'Forces' of Business Mastery

Decision 2: Figure out, What does this all mean?

Ultimately, how you feel about your life has nothing to do with the events in it or with your financial condition or what has (or hasn't) happened to you. The quality of your life is controlled by the meaning you give these things.
Most of the time you may be unaware of the effect of your unconscious mind in assigning meaning to life’s events.
When something happens that disrupts your life (a car accident, a health issue, a job loss), do you tend to think that this is the end or the beginning?
If someone confronts you, is that person insulting you, coaching you or truly caring for you?
Does a devastating problem mean that God is punishing you or challenging you? Or is it possible that this problem is a gift from God?
Your life takes on whatever meaning you give it. With each meaning comes a unique feeling or emotion and the quality of your life involves where you live emotionally.
I always ask during my seminars, “How many of you know someone who is on antidepressants and still depressed?” Typically 85 percent to 90 percent of those assembled raise their hands.
How is this possible? The drugs should make people feel better. It's true that antidepressants do come with labels warning that suicidal thoughts are a possible side effect.
But no matter how much a person drugs himself, if he constantly focuses on what he can’t control in life and what’s missing, he won't find it hard to despair. If he adds to that a meaning like “life is not worth living,” that's an emotional cocktail that no antidepressant can consistently overcome.
Yet if that same person can arrive at a new meaning, a reason to live or a belief that all this was meant to be, then he will be stronger than anything that ever happened to him.
When people shift their habitual focus and meanings, there’s no limit on what life can become. A change of focus and a shift in meaning can literally alter someone's biochemistry in minutes.
So take control and always remember: Meaning equals emotion and emotion equals life. Choose consciously and wisely. Find an empowering meaning in any event, and wealth in its deepest sense will be yours today.
Once you create a meaning in your mind, it creates an emotion, and that emotion leads to a state for making your third decision:

Decision 3: What will you do?  

The actions you take are powerfully shaped by the emotional state you're in. If you're angry, you're going to behave quite differently than if you're feeling playful or outrageous.
If you want to shape your actions, the fastest way is to change what you focus on and shift the meaning to be something more empowering.
Two people who are angry will behave differently. Some pull back. Others push through.
Some individuals express anger quietly. Others do so loudly or violently. Yet others suppress it only to look for a passive-aggressive opportunity to regain the upper hand or even exact revenge.
Where do these patterns come from? People tend to model their behavior on those they respect, enjoy and love.
The people who frustrated or angered you? You often reject their approaches.
Yet far too often you may find yourself falling back into patterns you witnessed over and over again in your youth and were displeased by.
It’s very useful for you to become aware of your patterns when you are frustrated, angry or sad or feel lonely. You can’t change your patterns if you’re not aware of them.
Now that you’re aware of the power of these three decisions, start looking for role models who are experiencing what you want out of life. I promise you that those who have passionate relationships have a totally different focus and arrive at totally different meanings for the challenges in relationships than people who are constantly bickering or fighting.
It’s not rocket science. If you become aware of the differences in how people approach these three decisions, you’ll have a pathway to help you create a permanent positive change in any area of life.
This piece was adapted from Tony Robbins' new book, Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom.  
Related: Inspiring TED Talks Every Entrepreneur Should Watch


Tony Robbins

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Infomercial king Tony Robbins wants to tell you what to do with your money. Be very afraid

The multimillionaire self-help guru gives investing advice in his new book, but anyone who listened to him in 2010 would be hurting financially now

Tony Robbins in 2010, the year he recommended that everyone sell their stocks. Four years later, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has hit new highs. Photograph: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

I’m sure if I met Tony Robbins, I would find him charismatic and even charming.
I’m fairly confident he could teach even me – relentless curmudgeon and skeptic that I am – to reach for success, to awaken my inner giant.
But to become a millionaire by following his investment tips?
Cue the sound of screeching brakes.
Robbins – in case you have somehow never turned on a TV set in the last few decades and found yourself in front of one of his infomercials, never walked into a bookstore and found yourself staring at an entire bookcase devoted to his self-help tomes – is a life coach. But this being the United States, that description dramatically understates his role in American society and his impact on our psyche. After all, this is the guy who persuaded Oprah Winfrey to walk across burning coals. He has counseled former president Bill Clinton, in and out of office. He coaxes “peak performance” out of sales executives for people like Marc Benioff, founder of Salesforce.com.
All of which is great. But being good at counseling and pep talks doesn’t qualify Robbins to provide financial advice.
Yet that’s Robbins’ new gig. He’s everywhere, it seems, promoting a new book: “MONEY: Master the Game.”
True, all the yelling (“I own you!”), chanting, inspirational words and a little bit of firewalking on the side has made Robbins himself a millionaire. But that’s becoming a millionaire by doing what you’re good at doing – in his case, being a life coach and convincing other folks to pay him to inspire them. Being good at your job is a good way to make money. It’s how Bill Gates got rich, by building the software programs that became Microsoft, or Howard Schultz transformed a coffee shop into the global retailing phenomenon that is Starbucks.
It’s a common American superstition that those who have earned wealth are qualified to provide advice to others on managing it. That’s what has encouraged Robbins, whose confidence may be as outsize as his 6’7’’ frame.
Except that it doesn’t. As professional money manager Barry Ritholtz points out in a rather scathing review, when Robbins has tried in the past to give his followers specific market advice, he’s been wrong.

In 2010, Robbins suggested his followers pull money out of stocks: to the extent they followed his advice, they gave up 90% gains in the next four years.
Robbins’s new book doesn’t seem to provide much in the way of trading tips. Instead, he is offering the reader a mixture of market insights and thoughts from such investment industry luminaries as Vanguard’s Jack Bogle, Warren Buffett, famed hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones (when the latter lost his trading “mojo”, Robbins apparently helped him track it down) and activist investor Carl Icahn.
That kind of advice is always going to be interesting to folks who pick up Barron’s and other publications to read what the big names in finance are doing with their money.
But here’s the rub: what guys like Paul Tudor Jones and Carl Icahn are doing with their money probably isn’t what you should be doing with yours.
They have billions and have access to a vastly different array of investments. They can afford to take far more risk, too. It’s like watching a stunt driver in one of those car ads: you watch with fascination, but woe betide you if you fail to heed the writing underneath, “professional driver on a closed course.” You can’t do the same tricks in your Volkswagen on the highway.
There’s also some hype. Robbins coaxes a model portfolio out of Ray Dalio, the billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates and one of the world’s largest hedge fund investors, describing it as a “never-before revealed strategy”. Well, it actually has been fairly openly discussed before and, as those familiar with what Dalio and Bridgewater are doing have noted, Robbins’s depiction of it doesn’t accurately characterize the way Dalio’s portfolio really works.


Warren Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, became a billionaire by investing wisely. Yet what works for billionaires rarely works for the middle class, since richer investors can afford to take more risks. Photograph: Nati Harnik/AP
The Dalio portfolio, as described by Robbins, recommends putting 55% of assets in bonds and another 15% in commodities. Commodities are an exceptionally volatile asset class that many veteran financial advisors are wary of recommending. Even their most risk-tolerant clients keep commodities to well below 10% of their portfolios.
But what scares me witless is the idea that a bunch of the folks who are lining up to buy Robbins’s book – it’s Amazon’s No 1 new release in the “Self Help” category – will try this portfolio at home for themselves.
And that might be a recipe for real trouble.
Here’s why. Like it or not, we’re now at the tail end of a 30-plus year bond bull market. The Federal Reserve’s next step will be – at some stage – to begin raising interest rates. When that happens, bond prices are going to fall. It’s mathematics.
It’s already happening, to some extent. Treasury securities were the worst performing asset class in October: a harbinger of sorts.
It’s lovely that this portfolio worked well in the past. But as the wording attached to every mutual fund that we buy says, past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
None of this suggests Robbins has nothing useful to say. His book takes aim at the too-aggressive marketing claims and high fees associated with too many actively-managed mutual funds, few of which manage to beat the market consistently. Hurrah for that. He says target-date funds are no panacea. Bravo! You shouldn’t automatically dismiss annuities as an invention of the devil: that’s another tip worth heeding.
So, too, is Robbins’ suggestion to automatically question the credentials of anyone who tries to give you financial advice. He just doesn’t mention that one of them may be named Tony Robbins.

Tony Robbins Shares 7 Steps to Becoming Financially Free

Posted: Updated:
Last week, I was talking to Joe Polish, Founder of Piranha Marketing and the Genius Network, catching up on recent happenings and discussing his latest efforts, helping Tony Robbins promote his latest book, MONEY: Master The Game, 7 Simple Steps To Financial Freedom.
Joe, along with his podcasting partner-in-crime, marketing guru Dean Jackson, brought together the legendary Tony Robbins, as well as thought leadership Robin Sharma, JJ Virgin and Mike Koenigs, for an incredibly insightful conference call on the I Love Marketing Podcast.
After listening to the interview, I wanted to share with you some of my biggest takeaways from the conversation because when Tony Robbins shares his 7 simple steps to financial freedom you should listen!
Here's my 3 top, curated takeaways for all of you!
1. Become More Valuable in Order to Make More Money (and Here's How!)
The first question in the interview came from Robin Sharma, the world famous leadership development effort and bestselling author of many, many books on the subject. He recalls the story of Jim Rohn's advice to a young Tony Robbins, where Jim Rohn said to a seminar group that Robbins was a part of, "All you have to do to earn more money in the same amount of time is to become more valuable to the marketplace."
This has obviously struck a chord with Tony, and the philosophy is the basis of many of his companies, coachings and this new book, so Robin asked Tony, "For anyone who wants to be more valuable, is the strategy to develop ourselves...or is it to focus on generating more value through our work."
Tony's response (summarized)...The most important thing you can do is to constantly grow personally. Spend every day working on yourself because (as Warren Buffett would agree) there is no greater investment you can make than in yourself. When you do that, you will become more valuable to the marketplace, and have the ability to make more money.
After a system for self-improvement is in place, you need vehicles for sharing that new value with others through your work. The best vehicles are becoming a business owner, and also becoming an "owner" of your own personal investments. The first is riskier, so the second is crucial for longer term strategic safety. With these vehicles, you can take your increasing value and share it with others exponentially.
2. Health IS Wealth (and What You Need to Find Breakthroughs In Your Life)
Up next to question the "money master" was JJ Virgin. JJ is also world-renowned as a celebrity nutritionist and fitness expert, and she asked Tony for the three things we need to look for in order to make breakthroughs in our lives in our finances, health and lives.
In response, Tony recalled a memory where he encountered a Canadian billionaire who was close to 400 pounds in weight. While others whispered, "He's so rich! He's so rich! He's a billionaire," Tony brought the experience back to earth by noting that, without your health, you are certainly not rich.
More importantly, there are multiple types of wealth and different definitions of success (as I've previously discussed myself on Addicted2Success.com). And, in order to continue building your success, you need to find the breakthrough moments in life that allow you to finally lose weight, look for a new job, make the extra sales calls, etc.
What you need: strategies, stories and state. Strategies will give you the systems that help you build habits for success, stories will give you the motivation, removal of excuses and mindset re-framing that is necessary to achieve those breakthrough moments necessary to have peak performance in business, health, and life and state will give you the positive mental attitude needed to execute properly in improving the first two.
3. Investing Comes Down to One Thing...Proper Asset Allocation
"What's your investment advice for a small business owner" asks Mike Koenigs, #1 bestselling author and serial entrepreneur.
While no one is the same, Tony suggests, every entrepreneur needs to create a brand new company right away.
He calls this new business your "money machine", and this new business has no employees or public-facing front.
Tony strongly advises every entrepreneur set up a second area of asset allocation that takes a percentage of your company's profits and/or your salary and puts it in investments that will make money work for you and compound over time. If you don't automate this process, your growing business will suck up extra profits, or your growing lifestyle will suck up new salary bonuses, and while you may be in good shape (or in the favorited growth shape at times), when sh*t finally hits the fan with your job, company, or outwardly investments, you will still be in good shape financially as an individual because you've taken the necessary precautions to create a "money machine" that is created of super low risk investments based on your personal risk tolerance, age and earning power.
In Summary
Check out Tony Robbins' new book, MONEY: Master The Game, 7 Simple Steps To Financial Freedom to find out how some of the world's most financially successful people have mastered the money game so you can apply those same rules to your own financial situations, and check out the rest of the stacked podcast conversation that I have attempted to distill into three major takeaways for you. All proceeds of his book go towards feeding over 50 million people in need this year. Then, check out the advice on The Huffington Post "Smarter Ideas" section to begin finding the motivation and tactics you need to improve your strategies, stories and states as you climb your way to financial freedom.
- - -
Jared Kleinert is a forthcoming author and entrepreneur who has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, TechCrunch, Huffington Post and at TEDxYouth Miami. He is currently the co-founder/co-author of 2 Billion Under 20 as well as the Chief Test Subject of The Gap Year Experiment. Say hi at jared@2billionunder20.com


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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Top 50 Australian and New Zealand Travel Bloggers as at 19 April 2014

Top 50 Australian and New Zealand Travel Bloggers as at 19 April 2014



| April 20, 2014 | 98 Comments
Welcome to the second edition of the ranked list of the top Australian and New Zealand travel bloggers as assessed on 19th April 2014.
Thanks everyone for the massive response I have received to the first edition, it has been really great to see everyone’s interest.  The first list is now ‘above the fold’ on the first page of the Google search rankings for both ‘Australian travel blog’ and ‘New Zealand travel blog’, so I have been seeing good traffic to the first article which has translated into many click throughs to your blogs.

New Years Eve Fireworks on Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia

How Many Mature Australian and New Zealand Travel Blogs Are There?

I always knew that there were many excellent Australian and New Zealand travel blogs which I missed on the first assessment, and I was correct.  Since then I have continued to actively collect information about many other Australian and New Zealand travel blogs and this time I assessed 103 blogs to come up with a top 50 list, compared to assessing about 60 blogs to come up with the first top 40 list.  Of the top 50 there are 19 travel blogs which were not assessed for the first edition!  So if your ranking has reduced it is probably at least partly as a result of the inclusion of these other blogs.
I have constructed a Top 50 list on Twitter so if you would like to quickly follow all of the Top 50 please subscribe.  There are also separate Twitter lists of Australian Travel Bloggers and New Zealand Travel Bloggers which include every blogger I am currently monitoring for this series.
Please let me know via the comments below if there are additional travel blogs which should be included for consideration in the next edition.

Assessment Criteria

As before, I am using a purely metrics based approach to assess each blog.  For the first edition I had a criteria that to be included that a blog needed to include content about either Australia or New Zealand in the previous 12 months, however upon further reflection I have decided to discontinue this element as there are many great travel bloggers who call Australia and New Zealand home who are on multi-year travels who should be included.
I have also made a conscious decision that to be a travel blog requires at least 75% of the content to be travel related.  For that reason while there are many good lifestyle and food blogs which have some travel related articles I have excluded them from this edition.  I have also only assessed sites which have their own domain name as that is also a sign of blog maturity.  The majority of the sites I assessed are using self hosted WordPress with about ~20% using mainly WordPress.com or Blogger.com.  There are very few of the top 50 blogs which are not using self hosted WordPress.
I have used a weighted combination of the following elements to assess each site:
Please let me know via the comments if you agree with the approach I have taken or whether you have an alternative suggestion on how I should construct the scoring.

Check Your Own Site Metrics

If you are not on the lists below I also suggest you check whether all of your metrics data is available via the four sources above.  For several blogs I was unable to obtain metrics information and as a result they have not been included in the list.  If you can’t see your data then I can’t either.  If any of your data points are unavailable each site has information on what actions to take to get your site included.
Also have a look at the assessment summary below to see whether your data is within the ranges I have indicated for all four data inputs.  If they are not in the assessed ranges for all four areas then your blog may still be in the beginner phase and you should focus on further developing your blog via regular posting of relevant new articles, interaction and using SEO principles in your articles.  These metrics are all lag indicators of the actions you are taking every day and week, and consistency of effort and learning new skills to improve your writing and interaction will progressively pay off.

Assessment Summary

To give some perspective below are the typical profiles of the top 50 Australian and New Zealand travel bloggers:
  • Google Page Rankings for the top 25 bloggers are typically between 3 and 5, with the top 26 to 50 bloggers typically being between 1 and 4 out of a maximum of 10.
While Google Page rankings only change slowly, I noticed a trend where some of the blogs I assessed for the first edition have had their Google Page Ranks reduced to 0 or not available, perhaps as a result of breaches of the Google rules.
  • Alexa rankings for the top 25 bloggers are between the top 25,000 and 600,000 websites in the world, with all except 6 being under 300,000, with the majority of top 26 to 50 bloggers being between the top 110,000 and 1,200,000 websites in the world.
The majority of travel blogs are under the 1,000,000 level so from both a numbers perspective and my personal experience breaching the 1,000,000 on Alexa is a good indicator of a travel blog shifting from being in the beginner phase to shifting to a higher level of maturity.  Usually once a blog has been consistently assessed by Alexa as being one of the top 1,000,000 websites in the world the other metrics are also reaching a higher level of maturity.
  • Domain Authority scores for the top 25 bloggers are between 30 and 51, with the top 26 to 50 bloggers being between 20 and 35 out of a maximum of 100.
  • Page Authority scores for the top 25 bloggers are between 41 and 58, with the top 26 to 50 bloggers being between 30 and 47 out of a maximum of 100.
Over time in assessing my own site metrics I have noticed that both Domain and Page Authority regularly oscillate between a range of values on about a 1-2 week cycle.  I usually collect all of these measurements monthly for my own site and have therefore seen some large changes to these metrics, so I suggest you monitor these metrics for a period  and understand what is the typical top and bottom of your range as this will give a better indication than a single point in time.
Finally here are the top 50 travel bloggers in Australia and New Zealand as at 19 April 2014.
Site NameWeb AddressFinal Ranking
YTravel Blogwww.ytravelblog.com1
Nomadic Noteswww.nomadicnotes.com3
Time Travel Turtlewww.timetravelturtle.com4
The Aussie Nomadwww.theaussienomad.com5
Bitten By The Travel Bugwww.bittenbythetravelbug.com6
Flashpacker Familywww.flashpackerfamily.com7
The Travel Tartwww.thetraveltart.com8
Our Oysterwww.ouroyster.com9
Young Adventuresswww.youngadventuress.com10
Suitcase Storieswww.suitcasestories.com11
Get In The Hot Spotwww.getinthehotspot.com12
What’s Dave Doingwww.whatsdavedoing.com13
Four Jandalswww.fourjandals.com14
Travel With Benderwww.travelwithbender.com15
Don’t Ever Look Backwww.donteverlookback.com16
Not A Ballerinawww.notaballerina.com17
World Travel Familywww.worldtravelfamily.com18
Journey Jottingswww.journeyjottings.com19
Positive World Travelwww.positiveworldtravel.com20
Aussie On the Roadwww.aussieontheroad.com21
Rocky Travelwww.rockytravel.net22
Mapping Meganwww.mappingmegan.com23
Travel Wonderswww.travel-wonders.com24
World Wandering Kiwiwww.worldwanderingkiwi.com25
A Taste of Travelwww.atasteoftravelblog.com26
The Dropout Diarieswww.thedropoutdiaries.com28
The Road to Anywherewww.theroadtoanywhere.com29
Travelling Kingwww.travellingking.com30
World of Wanderlustwww.worldofwanderlust.com32
rtw Travel Guidewww.rtw-travel-guide.com33
Where’s Sharonwww.wheressharon.com34
Budget Travel Talkwww.budgettraveltalk.com35
The Grey Nomadswww.thegreynomads.com.au37
Little Aussie Travellerswww.littleaussietravellers.com.au38
Sydney Kids, Food and Travelwww.seanasmith.com40
Wild Western Australiawww.westernaustralia-travellersguide.com41
New Life on the Roadwww.newlifeontheroad.com42
Roaming Taleswww.roamingtales.com43
Holidays to Europewww.holidaystoeurope.com.au44
In Search of a Life Less Ordinarywww.insearchofalifelessordinary.com45
Contented Travellerwww.contentedtraveller.com46
Indie Travel Podcastwww.indietravelpodcast.com47
Holy Smithereenswww.holysmithereens.com48
Little Nomadswww.littlenomads.com49
Bushwalking Blogwww.bushwalkingblog.com.au50
The next 51 to 78th ranked Australian and new Zealand travel blogs are detailed below so you can see who else is out there with a maturing travel blog!
Site NameWeb AddressFinal Ranking
Sydney Moving Guidewww.sydneymovingguide.com51
live. Travel. Blog.www.live-travel-blog.com52
She Goeswww.shegoes.com.au53
Little Grey Boxwww.littlegreybox.net54
Stylish Travelswww.stylishtravels.com56
Taking to the Open Roadwww.takingtotheopenroad.com57
50 Shades of Agewww.50shadesofage.com58
Chasing the Wildwww.chasingthewild.com59
Jon is Travellingwww.jonistravelling.com61
Maid In Australiawww.maidinaustralia.com62
Legging Itwww.leggingit.com.au64
Travel Live Learnwww.travellivelearn.com65
A Glass Half Fullwww.aglasshalf-full.com66
Bubs on the Movewww.bubsonthemove.com67
The Nomad Couplewww.thenomadcouple.com68
Toddlers on Tourwww.toddlersontour.com.au69
Go Camping Australia Blogwww.gocampingaustraliablog.com70
The Budget Wandererswww.thebudgetwanderers.net71
Travelling Appleswww.travellingapples.com72
Roaming Downunderwww.roamingdownunder.com73
Travel Boating Lifestylewww.travelboatinglifestyle.com74
Lots a Fresh Airwww.lotsafreshair.com75
Kapcha The Worldwww.kapcha.co.nz76
4WDing Australiawww.4wdingaustralia.com77
Aussie Overlanderswww.aussieoverlanders.com.au78
I plan to put together the next edition in 3-4 months and it will be interesting to see how many more Australian and New Zealand travel blogs I discover in that timeframe!
Subscribe via Email to ensure you receive future Pretraveller articles.  You can also follow Pretraveller via TwitterFacebookPinterest and RSS Feeds.
Please share in the comments below if this article has helped you to understand how your travel blog is currently tracking in terms of maturity.
I also welcome comments on other travel blogs which have not yet been included on the list, and comments about my approach to calculating the metrics to generate this edition.



Anne Sutherland-Smith
I’m Anne Sutherland-Smith, travel blogger and spreadsheet queen.
Pretraveller is a travel blog to help people travel with confidence and give them ideas and inspirations for travel.  The Awesome Australian 2WD Road Trip series provides a great overview of Australian 2WD road trip options.  I also curate all of my articles so they remain current with the most recent information and links.
I started blogging to share my love of travel.  Just two years later thousands of people read Pretraveller articles each month.

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Subscribe now for free email updates or RSS updates to find out when Pretraveller is updated.  I also regularly share additional travel information and photos on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest so please join me!
New Years Eve in Sydney Australia
New Years Eve in Sydney Australia
 More on Australian Travel Blogger Anne Sutherland-Smith
I have loved travel ever since I was a 7 year old getting on my first airplane to live with my family in Kenya for three years.
My parents really made an effort to make the most of our stay so we had adventures ranging from camping in a tent in Masaii Mara Game Reserve (no, I don’t need to go to the toilet during the night), to exploring the historic town of Mombasa with no spare clothes after the airline lost all of our luggage!  I was absolutely hooked…
At the age of 20 I departed on my first solo trip to backpack around Europe for 9 weeks.  Since then I have also travelled to New Zealand, Vanuatu, Hong Kong, Europe again, New Zealand again and many trips in Australia.
Over the past 20 years I have lived in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and have also had family spread all over Australia.  I have made the most of local travel options in every place.  Our most recent big trip was a road trip to visit Outback Australia.  We currently live in the beautiful city of Sydney in Australia.
Thank You for Joining Me
I look forward to sharing my travel stories and planning tips with you.
I’d love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, but most of all I hope you’ll subscribe for free email updates or RSS updates.
Best of luck with your travel plans this year!
Anne Sutherland-Smith – Australian travel blogger and creator of Pretraveller.

Pretraveller has featured in:
Hotels Cheap Interview with Anne Sutherland-Smith

Hotels Cheap Interview with Anne Sutherland-Smith (30 April 2014)
Travel tips from the well-trodden is a compilation article put together both in print and online by the Brisbane BMag free magazine. (24 March 2014)
The Narrabri Courier - Narrabri Plays Starring Role on Travel Website
The Narrabri Courier – Narrabri Plays Starring Role on Travel Website
Travel Wise: An Interview with Anne Sutherland-Smith
Travel Wise: An Interview with Anne Sutherland-Smith

How To Plan a Trip – Interview with Pretraveller is an interview on Journey Jottings
This Traveller Won’t Borrow Money to Travel (Again) is an interview on Nomad Wallet.
RED Alert #11 – InspiRED by Pretraveller!  is an interview on Amazing Australian Adventures by RedNomadOz

55 Australian Travel Bloggers Hot Listed in 2014 by Annabel Candy at the Get in the Hot Spot travel blog
43 Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers to Watch in 2013 by Annabel Candy at the Get in the Hot Spot travel blog
41 Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers to Follow in 2013 by the Official Queensland Tourism website



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The Pretraveller blog is all about increasing your ability to travel with confidence. I am also tweeting about travel blogging at .
Joined July 2010


See The World. I Dare You.

Hi, I'm Victoria Brewood, a British girl who travels and blogs. In 2008 I graduated from university and decided I would be my own boss. Since then I've been to over 40 countries and have had some pretty epic adventures. I hope you find this site useful when planning you're next trip and you're inspired to see the world!














Pommie Travels

Local/Travel Website
Cover Photo

Cover Photo
Pommie Travels

Pommie Travels

Local/Travel Website

 Cover Photo

Victoria Brewood


UK actress, blogger and writer. Entrepreneur, dreamer and occasional filmmaker. See the world, I dare you!
Joined April 2009




Well we are almost half way through our trip now and having a fantastic time since we left Melbourne in the middle of December, having travelled through the Eyre Peninsula, South Western WA, up the coast of WA and through the Kimberley, across the Savannah Way and down to Brisbane.  The last half will be across to Birdsville, down to Oodnadatta and then up to the Red Centre, back down to the Flinders Ranges. From there we aren’t quite sure but we have booked into Bright in Victoria over Xmas and NY, then we will meander our way back to Brisbane by March 2013 where we will make our new home.


Saddleback Ridge Lookout
Saddleback Ridge Lookout – El Questro

Where We Have Been

This is a map of where we have been so far on our journey.

Destination Arrival
1 Melbourne, Victoria December 14, 2011
2 Scott Creek, South Australia December 14, 2011
3 Port Hughes, South Australia January 30, 2012
4 Port Lincoln, South Australia February 3, 2012
5 Sheringa Beach, South Australia February 10, 2012
6 Elliston, South Australia February 11, 2012
7 Streaky Bay, South Australia February 14, 2012
8 Smoky Bay, South Australia February 17, 2012
9 Mullarbor, Western Australia February 19, 2012
10 Kalgoorlie, Western Australia February 22, 2012
11 Duke of Orleans, Western Australia February 24, 2012
12 Cape Le Grand, Western Australia February 28, 2012
13 Esperance, Western Australia March 3, 2012
14 Stokes Inlet, Western Australia March 6, 2012
15 Bremer Bay, Western Australia March 7, 2012
16 Denmark, Western Australia March 9, 2012
17 Walpole, Western Australia March 12, 2012
18 Manjimup, Western Australia March 14, 2012
19 Margaret River, Western Australia March 15, 2012
20 Busselton, Western Australia March 18, 2012
21 Cervantes, Western Australia March 22, 2012
22 Kalbarri, Western Australia March 24, 2012
23 Denham, Western Australia March 27, 2012
24 Carnarvon, Western Australia March 29, 2012
25 Quobba Station, Western Australia March 30, 2012
26 Coral Bay, Western Australia April 2, 2012
27 Ningaloo Station, Western Australia April 4, 2012
28 Exmouth, Western Australia April 11, 2012
29 Karijini National Park, Western Australia April 17, 2012
30 80 Mile Beach, Western Australia April 20, 2012
31 Broome, Western Australia April 23, 2012
32 Gibb River Road, Western Australia May 6, 2012
33 Kununurra, Western Australia May 21, 2012
34 Keep River National Park, Northern Territory May 24, 2012
35 Zebra Rock Mine, Northern Territory May 25, 2012
36 Edith Falls, Northern Territory May 26, 2012
37 Litchfield National Park, Northern Territory May 31, 2012
38 Darwin, Northern Territory June 4, 2012
39 Kakadu National Park, NorthernTerritory June 12, 2012
40 Lorella Springs Wilderness Park, Northern Territory June 23, 2012
41 Lawn Hill National Park, Queensland July 4, 2012
42 Normaton, Queensland July 7, 2012
43 Malanda, Queensland July 10, 2012
44 Mount Mulligan, Queensland July 18, 2012
45 Cooktown, Queensland July 22, 2012
46 Cairns, Queensland July 30, 2012
47 Mission Beach, Queendland August 7, 2012
48 Charters Towers, Queensland August 13, 2012
49 Carnarvon Gorge National Park, Queensland August 16, 2012
50 Roma, Queensland August 20, 2012
51 Brisbane, Queensland August 22, 2012
52 Lightning Ridge, New South Wales September 11, 2012
53 Tibooburra, New South Wales September 14, 2012
54 Innamincka, South Australia September 15, 2012
55 Arkaroola, South Australia September 17, 2012
56 Marree, South Australia September 18, 2012
57 Oodnadatta, South Australia -
58 Curtin Springs Wayside Inn & Cattle Station, Northern Territory September 21, 2012
59 Yulara, Northern Territory September 22, 2012
60 Kings Canyon, Northern Territory September 26, 2012
61 Glen Helen, Northern Territory September 28, 2012
62 Alice Springs, Northern Territory October 1, 2012
63 Coober Pedy, South Australia October 5, 2012
64 Arkaroola, South Australia October 7, 2012
65 Flinders Ranges, South Australia October 12, 2012
66 Port Hughes, South Australia October 19, 2012
67 Scott Creek, South Australia October 22, 2012
68 Renmark, South Australia November 6, 2012
69 Mungo National Park, New South Wales November 8, 2012
70 Echuca, Victoria November 10, 2012
71 Mansfield, Victoria December 13, 2012
72 Vic High Country, Victoria November 16, 2012
73 Omeo, Victoria December 27, 2012
74 Lakes Entrance, Victoria November 29, 2012
75 Mitchell River National Park, Victoria December 2, 2012
76 Rawson, Victoria December 5, 2012
77 Wilsons Promontory National Park, Victoria December 7, 2012
78 Melbourne, Victoria December 13, 2012
79 Bendigo, Victoria December 21, 2012
80 Bright, Victoria December 23, 2012
81 Corryong, Victoria January 8, 2013
82 indabyne, New South Wales January 10, 2013
83 Batemans Bay, New South Wales January 12, 2013
84 Bathurst, New South Wales January 14, 2013
85 Dubbo, New South Wales January 15, 2013
86 Brisbane, Queensland January 17, 2013

RockyTravel – About Me

Who is behind RockyTravel?

I am Michela, Italian born and raised in Italy. At the age of 20, I started travelling on my own andWho is behind RockyTravel first visited  UK, Austria and Germany. As a student I simply loved London because of its great music scene, but I could not make up my mind where I wanted to live. Actually Vienna was my first love affair but since I couldn’t find work there as in the 80ies Austria did not belong to EU. Italy was not my ideal country for career, so after a few years searching for the right place I found Munich quite interesting and in my late tweenties I decided to move and settle down there. Munich is where I spent 12 years of my life.
After a long time working as a sales & project manager I realised corporate life was not my “real thing” and was searching for something new, I needed something different into my life. As an old sayings says

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone
In March 2004 I decided to step out of my box and venture out to travelling Australia solo with my backpack. In a few months I prepared my first long solo travel trip to discover the other side of the world.
It was one of the best experiences in my life. Thanks to what I call the “therapeutic power of travel” I could regain confidence in myself and find my own way. But this was just the beginning of my love affair with Australia.


I was keen to go on long break again and 4 years later in 2008 I finally made the decision to leave my job and hit the road for 3 months. I had a big desire to press on the button RESET, fully unwind and start my life with a different perspective. I knew the job I was doing for over 15 years belonged to the past and my second trip to Australia was going to mark the beginning of a new life cycle.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”~ Muriel Strode

Travelling to me means learning more about myself than just holidaying.  Travel is an integral part of a deeper personal development process. It contributes to enrich my life both spiritually and mentally. Moreover it gives me the chance to learn more about others and see the world from different perspectives. First and foremost travel means freedom to me.
Travel makes you richer
This is how it all started, while I was in Australia on my second trip in 2008 one day on a day trip to the Adelaide hills, I just thought how can I keep this travel experience alive? How can I share my love for Australia with other fellow travellers? How can I help other women discover the benefits of travelling alone?
This is how RockyTravel was born. A travel website about Australia to share my travel experience and help you make of your travels in Australia a memorable experience.
When I first visited Australia in 2004, I soon fell in love with the richness of its unique environment, the friendly Australian people and their easygoing and relaxed lifestyle. I found the Australian Culture and the Australian Lifestyle  very much different from the frantic lifestyle we have in Europe. Since then my Love for Australia makes me going back to explore more and more of this fascinating remote country.

“Travel and change of Place impart vigor to the mind” ~ Seneca

Michela on Solo Trip on Kangaroo Island
One thing that most impressed me is the feeling of freedom and lightness that  reigns everywhere, in the outback, in the countyside, in the vibrant cities.  And this is something I very much appreciate when I travel alone. f you love  freedom, unspoilt  nature, then Australia will offer you unique travel destinations with stunning places, lots of adventure opportunities along with fun lovely local people.
On RockyTravel you will find lots of travel ideas, travel tips, useful and practical information put it in an easy form to help you better planning, and organizing your trip to Australia. This will save you long hours of searching online.
This website is for people who love to travel Australia independently, don’t want to spend a fortune, and want to get the best value deals for their money. It has a special focus on Female Solo Travel. But it is also a great resource for independent travellers who love to travel with a travel companion.
I have been travelling alone for over 25 years and Australia is my preferred destination as a solo woman.  I think Australia is the ideal destination for first time travellers and especially for Single Travellers.
Here you can read more about why I fell in love with Australia how my  Love Affair with Australia has evolved.

“It’s beautiful to be alone. To be alone does not mean to be alone. It means the mind is not influenced and contaminated by society.”

Travelling Solo Australia
If you to learn how to travel independently Australia and make of your Australia Trip a unique experience, RockyTravel helps you travel Australia with confidence, gives you tools to maximize your time by 200% and save up to 1500AUD.


Rocky Travel Blog

Local/Travel Website

Cover Photo

Cover Photo
Rocky Travel Blog


Michela Fantinel

Michela Fantinel

Independent Online Publisher ❘ Guide Book Author ❘ Travel Blogger
Pordenone Area, Italy
Leisure, Travel & Tourism
As a LinkedIn member, you'll join 300 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities.
  • See who you and Michela Fantinel know in common
  • Get introduced to Michela Fantinel
  • Contact Michela Fantinel directly

Michela Fantinel's Overview

  • Editor and Publisher at Rocky Travel
  • Travel Planning Services at Rocky Travel
  • Marketing Consulting at Fantinel Consulting
500+ connections

Michela Fantinel's Summary

Owner and Founder of Rocky Travel Blog. Guide Book Author. Solo and Independent Travel. Independent Online Publisher. Travel Blogger. Travel Planner.


- Travel Writing and Blogging
- Travel Photography
- Content Creation and Management
- Social Media Marketing
- Website Management

- Luxury Food
- Sales & Project Management
- Event Management

Michela Fantinel's Experience

Editor and Publisher

Rocky Travel

September 2010Present (4 years 2 months)
Rocky Travel is an Online Travel Guide and Blog that inspires women and independent travellers to discover Australia on their own, without spending a fortune! Responsible for writing, editing blog posts and photography, publishing ebooks, social media promotion and marketing. Media/PR relations.

Travel Planning Services

Rocky Travel

May 2012Present (2 years 6 months) Worldwide
Travel Planning Services. I help solo (especially women) and independent travellers by creating cost-effective trip plans and personalized itineraries.

Marketing Consulting

Fantinel Consulting

January 2009Present (5 years 10 months) Venice Area, Italy
Online Marketing and Business Development for travel, lifestyle, media brands.

Sales & Project Manager


Privately Held; 501-1000 employees; Food Production industry
January 2005December 2007 (3 years) Trieste Area, Italy
Responsible for the realization of Expressamente illy Coffee Shops in Middle East, South-Africa, South-America, Central and North Europe. Negotiation with business partners and clients. Managing projects from location assessment and business plan to Food & Beverage Menu Creation, to Marketing and PR/Media activities, to the Launch and Opening of the Coffee Shop.

Area Sales Manager

Develey Senf & feinkost GmbH

Privately Held; 1001-5000 employees; Food & Beverages industry
September 2000March 2004 (3 years 7 months) Munich Area, Germany
Area Sales Manager. Responsible for McDonald's Business in South Europe.
Planning and Managing McDonald's Promotional Products. Realization and Launch of new Products. Study & Development of new Packaging.

Sales & Marketing Director's Assistant

Löwenbräu AG

January 1996March 1999 (3 years 3 months) Munich Area, Germany
Sales Assistant for the Italian Market. Product Launch and Marketing Coordinator. Oktober-Fest Event Manager.

Michela Fantinel's Volunteer Experience & Causes

    • Wildlife Warrior Volunteer

      Wildlife Hospital Australia Zoo
      • Animal Welfare
      April 2011 April 2011 (1 month)
      An enlightening and empowering experience that taught me how we can protect koalas from dangers and hazards and help save them.

Michela Fantinel's Honors and Awards

  • Best Destination Blog

    • October 2012
    Best Destination Travel Blog Award 2012

Michela Fantinel's Publications

Michela Fantinel's Languages

  • Italian

    (Native or bilingual proficiency)
  • German

    (Native or bilingual proficiency)
  • English

    (Full professional proficiency)
  • Spanish

    (Professional working proficiency)

Michela Fantinel's Skills & Expertise

  1. Social Networking
  2. Marketing
  3. Event Management
  4. Blogging
  5. Event Planning
  6. Online Marketing
  7. Management
  8. Customer Service
  9. Foreign Languages
  10. Business Planning
  11. Social Media
  12. Project Coordination
  13. Marketing Strategy
  14. Multilingual
  15. Organizational Leadership
  16. communication
  17. Problem Solving
  18. Editorial
  19. Online Publishing

Contact Michela for:


A lot of people want to travel long term but few know how to make that dream a reality. Michael and Randi are two friends (just friends, geez guys!) who decided to embark on a year long journey throughout Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

We started this site in February of 2014 in hopes of encouraging friends and strangers alike to travel and will be updating it constantly. We will share budget advice, travel tips and tricks, introduce you to the awesome people we meet on the road, detail our experiences, adventures, misadventures and show you just how easy and exciting long term budget travel can be.
"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls." ​-Anais Nin
Randi is a girl without a home who has moved over 20 times in her life.  She has lived in Texas, Louisiana, New York and London, and has been to 4 continents, 21 countries and too many cities to count.
Michael started backpacking five years ago, and has thought of doing little else since. He's spent months in Asia, Europe, and Latin America, One day he hopes to explore Saturn...but only if he can bring his backpack.