Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Financial Plan for Lifetime Financial Security

Financial Plan for Lifetime Financial Security

Investing is simply a plan, made up of formulas and strategies, a system for getting rich ...... almost guaranteed.

Question: What do I want from this gift called my life?

TEAM - BGN Resources Group

(1) Financial Advisor/Planner

(2) Banker

(3) Accountant

(4) Lawyer

(5) Broker

(6) Book-keeper

(7) Insurance Agent

(8) Successful Mentor

Financial Plan for Lifetime Financial Security

If our maker has created a life of unlimited abundance, why should you plan on limiting yourself to having less?

Do you have a wrtten financial plan to be:

1. Secure?       2. Comfortable?      3. Rich?

The moment you begin to think of time as precious and that it has a price, the richer you will become.

You will find out the truth about WHY the rich get richer, and the poor and middle-class work harder, pay more in taxes, and get deeper in debt.

The more you read financial statements, annual reports, and prospectuses, the more your financial intelligence, or financial vision, increases.

Recommended reading: The Warren Buffet Way (Robert Hagstrom)

"I am focussing all my energies on this one thing ........ Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead."

Question: What did you do with your life?

"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BULL"  -   W.C. Fields


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